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This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

  "footer": {
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2024 CloseX"
  "nav": [
      "text": "指南",
      "link": "/zh/guidelines"
      "text": "资源",
      "link": "/zh/resources"
      "text": "更多",
      "items": [
          "text": "隐私政策",
          "link": "/zh/privacy"
          "text": "发行说明",
          "link": "/zh/release-note"
          "text": "博客",
          "link": ""
          "text": "CloseX",
          "link": ""
          "text": "联系我们",
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  "search": {
    "provider": "local",
    "options": {
      "locales": {
        "zh": {
          "translations": {
            "button": {
              "buttonText": "搜索文档",
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              "noResultsText": "无法找到相关结果",
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              "footer": {
                "selectText": "选择",
                "navigateText": "切换",
                "closeText": "关闭"
        "ja": {
          "translations": {
            "button": {
              "buttonText": "文書の検索",
              "buttonAriaLabel": "文書の検索"
            "modal": {
              "noResultsText": "関連する結果が見つかりませんでした",
              "resetButtonTitle": "クエリ条件をクリアする",
              "footer": {
                "selectText": "選ぶ",
                "navigateText": "スイッチ",
                "closeText": "閉鎖"
  "logo": "/img/logo.webp",
  "sidebar": [
      "text": "平台",
      "collapsed": true,
      "items": [
          "text": "针对 桌面设备 设计",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/platforms/designing-for-desktop"
          "text": "针对 移动端设备 设计",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/platforms/designing-for-mobile"
          "text": "针对 平板设备 设计",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/platforms/designing-for-tablet"
          "text": "针对 Safari 设计",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/platforms/designing-for-safari"
          "text": "针对 Chrome 设计",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/platforms/designing-for-chrome"
          "text": "针对 大型语言模型 设计",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/platforms/designing-for-llms"
      "text": "基础",
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      "items": [
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          "link": "/zh/guidelines/foundations/dark-mode"
      "text": "组件",
      "collapsed": true,
      "items": [
          "text": "内容",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/components/content"
          "text": "数据图表化",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/components/charting-data"
          "text": "载入",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/components/loading"
          "text": "输入",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/components/input"
          "text": "搜索",
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          "text": "Markdown",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/writing/markdown"
          "text": "Frontmatter",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/writing/frontmatter"
          "text": "在 Markdown 使用代码",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/writing/using-code-in-markdown"
          "text": "资源处理",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/writing/asset-handling"
          "text": "声音",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/writing/voice"
          "text": "国际化",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/writing/internationalization"
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      "collapsed": true,
      "items": [
          "text": "部署",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/performance/deploy"
          "text": "速度测试",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/performance/speedtest"
          "text": "SEO",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/performance/seo"
          "text": "用户体验",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/performance/user-experience"
      "text": "自定义",
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      "items": [
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          "text": "CSS",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/customization/css"
          "text": "Javascript",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/customization/javascript"
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          "link": "/zh/guidelines/customization/friendlink"
          "text": "页脚",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/customization/footer"
          "text": "导航栏",
          "link": "/zh/guidelines/customization/navigation-bar"
  "outline": {
    "label": "页面导航"
  "docFooter": {
    "prev": "上一页",
    "next": "下一页"
  "lastUpdated": {
    "text": "最后更新于",
    "formatOptions": {
      "dateStyle": "short",
      "timeStyle": "medium"
  "langMenuLabel": "多语言",
  "returnToTopLabel": "回到顶部",
  "sidebarMenuLabel": "菜单",
  "darkModeSwitchLabel": "主题",
  "lightModeSwitchTitle": "切换到浅色模式",
  "darkModeSwitchTitle": "切换到深色模式"

Page Data

  "title": "资源",
  "description": "",
  "frontmatter": {
    "outline": false,
    "sidebar": false,
    "aside": false
  "headers": [],
  "relativePath": "zh/",
  "filePath": "zh/"

Page Frontmatter

  "outline": false,
  "sidebar": false,
  "aside": false


Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.